The Power to Predict,
and make informed decisions.


The Power To Predict,
and make informed decisions.

When you think Telematics and AI, it’s easy to assume that it’s all about vehicle tracking and innovative ways that data makes a fleet run smarter, and you’d be right; but the use of data to drive better business has endless possibility. One of the sectors that stands the most to gain from the Power to Predict, is the public sector, which deals with all-important national service delivery.

Keep your eye on what is important.

The Power to Predict lets you know what’s happening right now at your fingertips, in real time from one platform. You can keep an eye on what you need to know, when you need to know it and if there’s anything out of the ordinary, you’ll have the foresight to act before you’re forced to react. If you want to experience the full extent of how our powerfully simple Crystal solution.

The Power to Predict

How Crystal by Ctrack can help
improve your operational efficiencies and performance.

Using Data To Serve Communities, Smarter


Long Term Planning for Long Term Success


Using data to serve communities, smarter.

One of the many challenges facing Government, isn’t just the lack of resources to deliver on the needs of communities, but more commonly, the ability to roll those resources out effectively. With resources spread so thin, it’s crucial to get the most out of what is available. This demands a smarter approach, one that’s driven by irrefutable data, for deliberate decision making that picks up slack, works the assets harder in the best possible places, and reduces wastage to save costs. With Crystal, you’ll know exactly where public maintenance vehicles have been, where they are now and the foresight to know if there’s a smarter route to get them to their next location. Emergency vehicles can be re-routed, where time is of the essence and lives are at stake; Police can be guided efficiently and without unncessary delays to a scene where they are needed immediately. It’s answering the call of Service Delivery, using the foresight you get when you have the The Power to Predict.


Automated accountability.

So when all efforts have been made to get the most out of what’s available on the ground, make sure that red-tape and paperwork aren’t what holds anyone or anything back. Crystal is not just an easy to use, powerful platform that provides real-time insights to drive efficiencies, it’s your secret weapon for automatic reporting on resolved issues or successfully completed tasks. Alert anyone who needs to know, that tasks have been completed and generate records that are not only instant, but transparent, fully compliant and 100% accurate, too.


Long term planning for long term success.

The Power to Predict goes beyond the important day-to-day wins, and gives Governments the confidence to monitor longer term activities like vehicle emissions and fuel economy, even driver behaviour, for signs of anything out of the ordinary. This data is packaged as easy to use information, allowing for action to be taken well in advance. Damages and delays are avoided so that alternative measures can be taken to prevent costly breaks in Service Delivery. And it’s not just the resources on the move that benefit from the Power To Predict; any other tools, equipment or even entire facilties can enjoy the same level of monitoring and foresight, that better decisions for tomorrow, can be made today.


Public Sector Brochure.

When you think telematics and AI, it’s easy to assume that it’s all about asset and vehicle tracking and innovative ways that data makes a fleet run smarter, and you’d be right; but the use of data to drive better business has endless possibility. One of the sectors that stands the most to gain from the Power to Predict, is the public sector, which deals with all-important national service delivery.

Optimisation & efficiency, data-driven decision-making, automated accountability, & long-term planning for government service delivery.

Optimise your business and operations with the power to predict. Speak to one of our specialists, today.