To manage a Fleet that’s not only operationally sound, but profitable and compliant too, takes a specialized set of expertise and years of hands-on experience. It’s a complicated and intricate combination of asset management, maintenance scheduling, route planning and optimization, driver management and the-all important compliance with regulations. There’s many moving parts and it’s a lot to handle. You might not have the expertise in-house to successfully take this on, full time; or perhaps you require someone to take over the responsibility a few times a year. That’s where Ctrack Bureau Services and the Power to Predict comes in.
Don’t think of a Call Centre. Think of an entire control room with trained professionals, dedicated to manage your fleet requirements.
A smarter way to manage your fleet for complete peace of mind
Get powerful and pro-active insights for optimal performance
Reduce risk and maintain compliance
The Power to Predict
Outsource it to the experts and keep your wheels turning.
If you’re Fleet requirements have grown to a point where it no longer makes financial or operational sense to manage it yourself, or you would simply prefer not to have that responsibility, then Ctrack Bureau Services might be the perfect solution for your business. Instead of dedicating time and allocating additional resources to managing your Fleet, you can rely on experienced professionals who specialize in it, to handle your day-to-day operations. Free up your internal resource and concentrate on bigger picture strategic initiatives to grow your business, with the peace of mind that the experts have a finger on the pulse. You can focus on your business and the running of it, we’ll take care of your Fleet.
Ctrack Bureau Services is a fully-fledged fleet Intelligence Service Centre, offering 35 years of expertise and specialized knowledge of the industry and the Fleet and Logistics category. Ctrack Bureau Services have professionals on hand, who have a deep understanding of what’s required behind the scenes to keep the wheels turning. Trust us to provide valuable insights and advice, share knowledge around best practices, and provide recommendations to get the most out of your Fleet’s performance.

Stay up to date and informed.
Ctrack Bureau Services offers advanced data analytics and reporting capability, for everything that’s important to you in your Fleet. Crystal, powered by Ctrack, collects and analyzes data from multiple collection points, devices and interfaces, to generate meaningful insights. Through detailed reports and analytics, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your fleet’s performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions – without ever having to worry about it yourself.
Let us make data driven recommendations on how to optimise routes, monitor key performance indicators, track maintenance schedules, and identify opportunities for operational improvements. Simply sign up and agree on a service level agreement that works for you, and let Ctrack take care of what you would like us to manage and when, and how you would like to be kept updated and informed. You can still access all of your own information through your easy to use Crystal platform, or leave it all up to us.
Save costs and improve efficiencies.
Ctrack Bureau Services can help you achieve cost savings and enhance the efficiency of your fleet operations. As experts on the topic, we have the tools and technologies to analyze data and proactively identify areas for improvement. By optimizing routes, reducing idle time, monitoring fuel consumption, and implementing driver behaviour programs, Ctrack Bureau services can help point out areas of improvement which have a direct effect on your bottom line. We also work closely with the governing bodies and regulators in the industry, so when it comes to Compliance and Risk Management, we really have a deep understanding of what’s required when adhering to the numerous standards in play.
We’re always up to date with the latest industry regulations and can assist you in maintaining compliance conveniently, ahead of time. We can assist with safety programs, monitor driver hours, driver behaviour and performance, conduct risk assessments and provide training and support to close any gaps that get identified. By reducing risks and ensuring compliance, you can avoid penalties, protect your company’s reputation and create a safer working environment for your drivers – with the peace of mind that the experts are thinking ahead for you, all the time.

Bureau services brochure.
To manage a Fleet that’s not only operationally sound, but profitable and compliant too, takes a specialized set of expertise and years of hands-on experience. It’s a complicated and intricate combination of asset management, maintenance scheduling, route planning and optimization, driver management and the-all important compliance with regulations. There’s many moving parts and it’s a lot to handle. You might not have the expertise in-house to successfully take this on, full time; or perhaps you require someone to take over the responsibility a few times a year.
That’s where Ctrack Bureau Services comes in: Don’t think of a Call Centre – think of an entire control room with experts, dedicated to managing your Fleet requirements, with the Power To Predict.